As I made a few mistakes at work today, one of my coworkers taught me a profound lesson. He said, "Don't beat yourself up, it only slows you down." As I thought about that sentence, it struck me deeply. What came to my mind was a physical analogy. If I was running a race and I tripped and fell, it would make no sense at all to sit there on the ground and hit myself. Punishing myself and wallowing in the failure or mistake I had experienced would do me no good. It certainly wouldn't help me win the race or even finish it!
I have often done something similar in the spiritual aspect of my life. When I make a mistake or realize there are things I've neglected or that I've done that I shouldn't have, I'll take significant time ruminating about it and being frustrated with myself for my mistakes because I should have known better. I am realizing that I need to focus my efforts and energy on doing something good instead of being angry with myself and thinking over and over about what I've done wrong. This will enable me to overcome my mistakes far better than ruminating and holding a grudge against myself for not being perfect.
These thoughts that I've had today reminded me of a great article that I read a few years ago. I'd encourage you to read it if you have ever had a hard time forgiving yourself for your own mistakes.